How to bring your nonlinear possibilities back to life.
Could It Be That You Have Gremlin Type 2?
I feel shy.
I feel not seen.
I hesitate to speak.
I do not say what I want.
I seem invisible.
I smile too much.
People do not think I am capable.
People trample on me.
It is as if I am not really there.
I am not taken into account.
I do not want to disturb anyone.
I do not want to be a bother.
I should take care of myself.
I am a good boy.
I am a nice girl.
I keep getting into abusive relationships.
My partners keep leaving me.
Adventure and life seem to pass me by.
If any of these describe you, this may be because you have created for yourself a Gremlin Type 2. This is not bad, or wrong, or stupid, but it does have consequences. Understanding about Gremlin Type 2 can be a gateway to a whole new future for you through Gremlin Transformation.
Type 1 is the classical Gremlin, loud, destroying, distressing. It is when you use your Gremlin's powers as part of your Survival Strategy.
A Type 2 Gremlin is a crushed, chained, boxed in, controlled Gremlin. It only sneaks out sideways, pretends to be not there.
If you have a Type 2 Gremlin, you may have a goodgirl / goodboy Box, or an 'invisible' Box, and you may think your Gremlin is harmless, small, a bit funny, or you cannot even see or make contact to your Gremlin, and sometimes you do not know its name.
Gremlin Transformation is a series of Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes that bridge you from adolescent irresponsibility and survival, over into Adulthood responsibility and Radical Responsibility and living.
Gremlin Transformation is a prerequisite to Adult Ego State Decontaminations.
Gremlin Transformation includes a number of formal healing and initiatory processes, including:
During Gremlin Transformation processes you will investigate whether you have a Type 1 or Type 2 Gremlin.
The purpose of Gremlin Reconstruction is to prepare your Gremlin to be at your side consciously as an ally as you formally enter Adulthood.
It turns out that almost everyone - no matter whether they have a Type 1 or Type 2 Gremlin - has buried away at least some of their Gremlin's valuable knacks, powers, perceptions, and abilities.
Knowing that you have established a Type 2 Gremlin gives you an inner map for how to reconnect with and re-empower the Gremlin qualities you will need as an initiated Adult to bring the Nonmaterial Value of your Bright Principles and your Archetypal Lineage into service in the world.
STARR - Gremlin Type 1 and Type 2
Gremlin Type 2 Experiments
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- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code GRETYPE2.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!